Digital Health – EHR Challenges

The promise of EHR, the foundation of Digital Health, is yet to be realized. A decade into spending $36B, while at almost 95% adoption rate, there is a growing rise of safety-related incidents! With over 700 EHR and HIT vendors in the market, broken software systems, interoperability issues and provider cognitive burden are all contributing to the management complexity. This is only going to be complicated by the exponential increase in Medical IoT data in the coming years.

Deep Learning and ANN can potentially prevent or mitigate such incidents if proactively built into provider/patient solutions, and drive meaningful use of patient medical data and enable coordinated care for better patient outcomes. This also requires an end-to-end perspective of patient experience across the wellness-prevention-diagnosis-treatment-care spectrum and how the EHR systems and technology solutions can be designed to handle the various interconnected aspects of patient care, integrating providers, caregivers, payers, pharmacies and manufacturers.